The Planets
Chinese Zodiac
Home > Zodiac Signs > Aquarius
Period: 20 January - 19 February
Ruling Planets: Uranus, Saturn
Element: Air
An Aquarius can be very critical of others and places a high value on personal liberty. Aquarians have a tendency to be unreasonably jealous and combined with their emotional sensitiveness that can cause problems in their realtionships. They are not easily pleased, but make great friends as they are very giving. In a satisfactory relationship they make loyal partners, but don't always marry who they love the most due to procrastination. Most of them will have suffered from a broken heart at some stage.
Keywords: Opinionated, idealistic, generous, sensitive, helpful, gentle, patient, intelligent, logical, artistic, strong willed, practical, romantic.
Compatibility: Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries
Compatible Element: Fire