The Planets
Chinese Zodiac
Home > Zodiac Signs > Aries
Period: 21 March - 20 April
Ruling Planets: Mars, Pluto
Element: Fire
An Aries can be moody and strongly opinionated. They are by nature very affectionate and crave the attention of others. They are also strong-willed and once they made up their mind about something they leave no stone unturned to achieve it. Arians are direct in speech and often lack diplomacy. They are fundamentalists in most areas of life, including sex. Arians crave sexually satisfying expression and a happily married Aries is likely to be loyal to his partner.
Keywords: Passionate, impulsive, independent, generous, brave, energetic, leaders, courage, impatient, aggressive, enthusiastic, outspoken, quick to decide, active, stubborn, adventurous, self aware.
Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius
Compatible Element: Air